The 5 Most Important Aspects Of Life

Human beings are multi-faceted. We are made up of different components which influence the quality of the lives we live. You can think of these components as balls we are juggling in this game called life. And the more in-tune we are to each one of them, the more harmonious and a better life we shall lead. So these are the 5 most important aspect of Life that worthy of attention:

1. Health & Fitness

A wise man once said ” Health is the crown on the well man’s head that only the sick can see” Because without health we can do nothing. We wouldn’t enjoy whatever it is that we have. Can you remember that last time you came down with a bad fever? Or you became sick, a loved one had to take care of you? I bet even your favourite food in the world became tasteless. You could have power, affluence, and influence on everything that’s under the sun, but it would mean nothing to you if your health is lacking. Heck, you would trade everything if you can for a sense of wellbeing.

And the thing that gives us this sense of wellbeing is our physical temples, our bodies. Take care of it, and it will take care of you. With a healthy and fit body, we enjoy all that life has to offer. With this core peace, you become able to explore all life’s faucets and get to live life to the fullest.

I intentionally titled this as health and fitness because you can be fit and still not be healthy. You might have a decent physique but if you’re feeding your body just junk, with time it will catch up to you. Thus, to win here it is paramount to be mindfull of both.

Through the course of our life, we need to have a habit that keeps our body strong and healthy. And that is by nourishing it with good food that revitalise us daily and having an active physical hobby that keeps us fit. It does not have to be working out at the gym. It could be a sport you were fond of as a kid. If you are fond of playing football, cycling, swimming, a martial art or just a habit of running, that’s perfect too. The point is to keep your body active and your engines youthful .

Similar to the game of investing, the earlier you start the better. And the best time to start- is now.


  • Start becoming mindful of what you allow into your body and
  • Get a hobby that keeps you fit

(You should check out this piece if you want to get into bodybuilding:

2. Career and Finances

As human beings, we are born with limitless potential to grow and bloom into something eloquent. As we grow up in our society, we begin to pick up on interests and things that amuse us. Things that subsequently if pursued are bound to bring value. Value not just to us but to our communities in general. this feeds into our sense of contribution and fulfillment. To be able to be a positive influence to the people around us and the world at large.

Since we spend a large chunk of our time working, it makes sense to align our careers with things that give us satisfaction and that will allow us to leave behind a legacy that we will be proud of.

What is interwoven in this, is Money aka Financial competence

When you bring something of value to the market place (the society), you get rewarded. And a by-product of that value is money- the necessary Currency of life on earth.

You might have heard the quote “Money is the root of all evil”. But the quote is not complete, the full quote is ” The Love of money is the route of all evil”. However, money, if looked at as what it really is, money is a vehicle. A means to an end. It is a show of good fate from one person to another. It’s a way society pays you back for something you did in the past. A way the society incentivise her productive constituents to keep providing value to the pack. Thus, money is an essential commodity. Therefore, we should do well to make sure our finances are in order.

3. Relationships

“Human beings are social creatures” you hear this all the time. We are the only group of animals in the animal kingdom that communicate across our extended groups and even beyond. From the cavemen who sat around the camp fire sharing their near-death-tales as they wait for the meat to roast, to the present day-and-age where every single person is just a text away.

The heightened ability of communication has been our trumpcard for rising up the ranks of the animal kingdom. This quality of establishing deep connections plays a huge role in the quality of our lives.

But unfortunately, this advancement that has apparently brought us together like never before has ironically taken away the sincerity in genuine relationships. On social media, you would see someone with upwards of a thousand “friends” but only about a few of them are even acquaintances. That person can be you & I. On the other hand, the size of family units has shrunk. People now have a more individualistic attitude towards life.

Despite the “freedom” this lifestyle allegedly provide, it has left us more susceptible than never before to all the world’s agendas (the good, the bad and the ugly). Before we use to have a deeper sense of belonging to our clan, our fatherland. We used to have a sense of peace, living together in extended families (kinships) which grants us a sense of security against whatever lurks outside that might try to invade. But now, you live alone in an apartment, your closest friend is miles away and your family in a whole nother location, left bare open to whatever malificent character that might pick your door to knock.

Even if your lonely abode is ironclad, you can’t escape from the destructive chaos that’s oozing through your phone. The internet is pulling you in multiple directions, all trying to have a say on your programming.

It’s has never been more beneficial to have a circle of close relations, people who you trust and can rely on.

4. Family

I intentionally separated family from the other relationships such as friends and colleges. Because our family, unlike other types of relationships, you have connection that’s bounded in blood. Your family are your oldest human connections since you got incepted into life. There are the one relationship you are certain don’t expect anything from you except the best. Thus, they are more likely to be predisposed to be there for you till the end. Even if the whole world turns against you tomorrow.

It is interesting to note that in different stages of life, we may have different kinds of dependency on our families. But when the sun goes down, they will always be there for us. So it’s paramount to keep this connections alive and to nourish them if not more than we nourish other relationship. At the end of the day family is blood and blood is family.


And this brings everything together, it ties into our mental acumen. Life is so complex even seems chaotic atimes. But it also has an element of simplicity to it. As we go through the roller coaster of life, it becomes ever clearer that definitely there is an able hand behind all of this. There’s a maker that furnished nature it self, a creator behind the created that put us on the surface of the earth. And we are not circumstantial moving pounds of meat. Prince EA once elequently deducted that ” we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but rather spiritual beings having a human experience”.

We have within us a natural sense that there is an objective truth in the world, and we seek it out through our subjective experiences, science & religion and the extraordinary that dwells in our ordinary days. Having this mental clarity that we are substantial nodes in something bigger, empowers us to understand that our contributions and actions have consequences that can impact the whole system. And with that wisdom comes humility which allows us to appreciate and be grateful of the gift of life we have and empowers us to lead a life of purpose.

People from the old ages have sought this awareness through prayers, meditation, the show of gratitude, service of labor, and everything in between.

In summary

I firmly believe that if we start living life more consciously by: taking care of our bodies, becoming active contributors to our communities, nourishing true relationships, keeping in touch with our kinship and seeking a connection to the objective truth – the unseen hand that graces our lives; we would live fuller lives and leave a legacy for the progenies ahead to gaze back in awe at.